Powerful Education
Web Applications

Revize websites come with Engagement Web Applications that allow students, teachers, parents, and administrators to be part of their education system and participate more at school!

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Everything you need all in one place
Powerful tools that work together

Career Center
Hire the Best

Looking to hire a new Biology teacher? Our Career Center allows you to create and post job openings in minutes. Start by creating fillable forms, directing those forms to the right department, and track them all in one system. You'll soon find that wonderful teacher you've been looking for all summer.

Document Center
Documents Done Right

By using our Document Center, you can will thousands on printing documents by uploading them for everyone online. This gives teachers and students the ability to access documents like homework, syllabi, and reference materials from anywhere.

Keep Them Notified

The Revize e-Notify application allows visitors of your site to stay updated without visiting your site every day. Users can sign up for email and text alerts based on areas of interest to them on your site. By using e-Notify you can be sure that information is getting to those who need to know, fast.

FAQ Center
Handy & Convenient

Frequently Asked Questions make it easy for users to find answers to commonly asked questions without having to call or email and wait for a reply. Fill your FAQ Center with answers to your most asked questions and watch the number of calls drop significantly by allowing your visitors to answer their own questions on your website, leaving your staff to focus on the important issues at hand.

Google Maps
Navigate With Ease

Our system allows you to seamlessly integrate with Google Maps. Having this integration with a powerful tool like Google Maps allows you to direct people the stadium, admissions office, gymnasium, and parking. Create your own map overlays to make it easier to navigate your campus.

School Alerts
Simple Yet Powerful

Snow days, power outages, and emergencies happen; our School Alerts allows you to easily update and inform users of what is going on at your school right away. 

School Calendar
Robust & Intuitive

With our School Calendar, you can post class schedules, upcoming school board meetings, sporting events, and even cafeteria menus. You can also easily export calendar information so students, teachers, and parents can stay up-to-date with the click of a button.

School Directory
Staff Showcased

Our School Directory allows you to create and maintain a searchable staff directory.  This helps visitors contact who they want directly without having to get transferred from department to department. Listings can be added, removed, and categorized by non-technical staff in a simple table interface.

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