Revize School Blog

Ransomware Attacks Increasingly Target Public School Systems

Public school systems across the country are being targeted and it’s not hard to figure out why.

ADA Website Accessibility Guide

Your website visitors are just as diverse as the community you serve and to deny them access to the content on your webpage is the same as not providing them access to your physical location. When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was first put forward the internet was just coming to the mainstream, now those same protections for those with disabilities are being enforced across the digital landscape. Along with this new focus on the digital experience comes quite a bit of confusion. Not helping the confusion, courts have stated that even without comprehensive legal standards you are open to being sued and found liable if your website is not ADA compliant. Not to worry, there are some basic design standards that you can follow to reduce your risk and make sure your site is inclusive to all users.

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